
Minute Clinics!!!!

Email Monday - Launched March 5, 2018

March 5th kicks off Email Monday.

Today, and every Monday in 2018, you will open and unsubscribe from 3 emails.

Let's to the numbers....(starting with March 5, 2018)
  • Unsubscribe from 3 email each week in March and you will unsubscribe from 12 emails
  • Unsubscribe from 3 emails each week in Q2 and you will unsubscribe from 39 emails
  • Unsubscribe from 3 emails each week in Q3 and you will unsubscribe from 78 emails
  • Unsubscribe from 3 emails each week in Q4 and you will unsubscribe from 120 email
So, find three annoying emails and get to unsubscribing!!!

Trash 10 Tuesday - Launched February 13, 2018

This clinic focuses on the photos on your cell phone.

This Tuesday and every Tuesday after, with a few exceptions to come, you will delete 10 and only 10 photos from your phone.

You may think that 10 photos won't be much of an impact but let's do the math (starting February 13, 2018):

  • Delete 10 photos every Tuesday remaining in February, you will have deleted 30 photos
  • Delete 10 photos every Tuesday through the 1st quarter end, you will have deleted 70 photos
  • Delete 10 photos every Tuesday through the 2nd quarter end, you will have deleted 200 photos
  • Delete 10 photos every Tuesday through the 3rd quarter end, you will have deleted 330 photos
  • Delete 10 photos every Tuesday through the end of the year, you will have deleted 460 photos
Grab your phone and look for:

  • blurry photos
  • duplicates
  • bad lighting
Remember, delete 10 and only 10 photos. No more, no less.

File Five Friday - Launched February 16, 2018

The second minute clinic series, Triple F Edition - File Five Friday!!!

This series of clinics will focus on handling papers and things that require filing.

This Friday and every Friday after, with a few exceptions to come, you will file away 5 pieces of paper and ONLY five.

Missing a file folder? Not to worry this just means you have homework. Between now and next Friday, make a file folder and file that item.

You may think that filing away 5 pieces of paper won't be much of an impact but let's do the math (starting February 16, 2018):

  • File 5 items every every remaining in February, you will have filed 10 items
  • File 5 items every Tuesday through the 1st quarter end, you will have filed 35 items
  • File 5 items every Tuesday through the 2nd quarter end, you will have deleted 100 items
  • File 5 items every Tuesday through the 3rd quarter end, you will have deleted 165 items
  • File 5 items photos every Tuesday through the end of the year, you will have deleted 230 items
Remember, file 5 and only 5 items. No more, no less.


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