
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Easy Way to Make Room for the New - Clean Out Your Address Book

This week I have seen the above picture on Facebook several times. It got me thinking about the easiest way to do this without being overwhelmed.

Today, was a rough day and I needed something to do on the train the required minimal materials. 

As I was walking to the train the light bulb showed up! I'll clean our the address book on my phone!

As I started I wasn't ready for the various thoughts and emotions that came up and the actions I took:

  • The "Huh, I don't even know who that is." Action: delete
  • The "haven't had contact with this person in years": 
    • Family member? Action: Schedule time to write/call 
    • Business associate? Action: Connect on LinkedIn & delete from address book, 
    • Old acquaintance? Action: Delete, perhaps send a small prayer to them wishing them well in the world
  • The "Oh, wow can't believe they are gone" Action: delete & send a prayer up to heaven for them.
So, the next time you have some down time, instead of playing Candy Crush, start cleaning out your address book and make room for the new.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

FOF - Focus on Food - 2014 Focus #1

With 2014 just days away I have been brain storming ideas for new year's focuses or themes. For me, resolutions and goals are too limiting and have a end state. Having goals are necessary to get anywhere in life but the themes/visions/focuses will keep you going when the goal is hit.

I had an end state to hitting my Weight a Watcher goal weight of 160 in December of 2012. Once I hit that goal, I fell into the slippery slope of falling back to old habits and a year later I have 14 pounds to lose to get back to that goal.

This new year, I am adopting focuses that will get me to my goals and keep me going before during and after I hit the goals. And, YES, I will hit them!!! 

The first focus I am adopting is "Focus on Food." 

I have execercise and activity nailed. I easily workout 4-6 days a week and have become one of "those people" who really enjoys exercise.

As I learned years ago from an impactful personal trainer, Ron Walton (, is that food is 80%-90% of hitting any fitness goal. It doesn't matter if you are trying to lose weight or gain weight or body build or run a marathon or whatever FOOD is the key to success for any of these fitness goals. Working out is great but to truly see succees get your handle on food.

So today, I have returned to tracking my Weight Watchers points plus values. You aren't a Weight Watchers member? No worries, there are many FREE ways you can track your food:

-Paper journal
-My Fitness Pal (
-Livestrong (

As you track, pay attention to what shows up and adjust little by little. Is your face getting thinner? Are you sleeping better? Is the number on the scale moving in the right direction?

As you continue focusing on food your biggest "problem" might just be setting new goals to conquer!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happy Thank You Note Day (Now get writing!!!!)

Today is "Thank You Note Day." 

I know a lot of you are thinking, "Wait, it's boxing day." 

Well, since it has been over 200 years since we have been a part of the British empire, I'll return to "Thank You Note Day."

As my friends and family know, I'm a big fan of the "thank you" note. Yes, it's a bit old fashioned but let me build a case in support of sending Thank You Notes.
  • First, there's an actual day for it. :-)
  • Second, the person who gave you the gift knows you received it (especially if they let do the wrapping and shipping).
  • Third, people still LOVE receiving notes in the mail. (Yes, an email thank you note is becoming more and more accepted but you are better than that.)
  • Finally, it's a simple and easy exercise in gratitude.
You have never written a thank you note before? Lucky for you there there are excellent resources to get you started:
Today, start with writing 1 thank you note. Then after, write 1 note each day until you have written to your last "benefactor."

Just like any new activity, keep at it and eventually your "thank you note muscle" will be nice and strong for the next time you receive a gift.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Top 10 List Time - What is YOUR Top 10 for 2013?

This is the time of year that blogs, newspapers etc are writing up the top "something" of 2013.

There is something for everyone ( has a TON):

What is in YOUR top 10 (or more) for 2013?

(Favorite books, favorite movies, epic fails, epic vacation experiences? You are only limited by your imagination.)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"Sneak Attack" on New Year's Resolutions - What will you attack?

I love finding inspiration in the most "unconnected" of places.

A co-worker shared this blog post in reply to a post about writing outstanding blogs.

The author shares an interesting approach to new year's resolutions: Get sneaky!

I thought I was being silly working now towards my goal of "doing 10 unassisted pull ups by the end of 2014." 

Mr Acuff's post gives me added motivation to continue to use the assisted pull-up machine until I need no further assistance.

What will YOU start attacking now?

Photo Credit: 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Happy "Chocolate Covered Anything" Day!!!

Yes, boys and girls, if you were looking for an excuse to cover something in chocolate or to eat something covered in chocolate, today is YOUR day. 

I know, I know. We have chocolate covered strawberries galore since it's the holiday season. But that is just too darn easy.

Up until about 2 or 3 years ago, chocolate covered bacon was a really big deal. But now everyone and their grandmother seems to be making chocolate covered bacon and sadly most have not done it well. 

The very BEST chocolate covered bacon I have ever had was at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Company in Seattle at the Pike Market. They cut their bacon down to just one size above bacon bits then pour chocolate all over. You take a bite and the chocolate is blended with the salty and fat of the bacon. 

My very first chocolate covered memories are of chocolate covered cherry cordials. To a child it was heaven. Today, I have "graduated" to the Godiva chocolate covered raspeberries. Ah, heaven.

What are your favorite chocolate covered memories?

Are you skillful at covereing items in chocolate? Share your recipes, tips and tricks!!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Virtual Book Club Launches January 1, 2014 - Power of Positive Thinking

Join me, and many more, in kicking off 2014 with learning and living a YOU-tastic Life.

Have you always wanted to join a book club but the meeting schedule didn't fit your schedule? Of the location wasn't convenient.

Well, here's your opportunity to participate in a virtual book club starting January 1, 2014.

So, until January 1st, borrow or buy a copy of The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr Norman Vincent Peale.

Then, on January 1st, we will be reading and discussing 2 chapters a week.

1/2 way through the book, we will collect book ideas and vote on the next book to be discussed.

Power of Positive Thinking Reading/Discussion Schedule