
Monday, November 7, 2011

When a Book Comes Back Into Your Life....

Many years ago I bought a copy of Julia Cameron's! The Artist's Way. For one reason or another, I just couldn't get into it. After one too many failed attempts to get into the book, I let it go and donated it to Goodwill or Salvation Army or some sort of donation place so that someone who was ready to read it would receive it.

I've never had an attachment to books. They are meant to be read and then passed on for others to enjoy and to learn and to be entertained. That is why my personal "library" is so small.

I know that not everyone holds that same view. I learned that from my many bibliophile clients during my paid professional organizing days who had boxes and shelves of books that could never be read even if they read a book a day in their lives.

When I shared with my clients that if they were meant to read a particular book or books then they would show up again when they had the time or were ready to read it. Most of the time this helped them let go and allow others to enjoy the books for their benefit and or entertainment.

About a month ago, I was flipping through a magazine and saw the website 750 Words ( described as an electronic version of the daily 3-page journal exercise used in The Arist's Way.

AH HA!!!! A book coming back into my life!!! How exciting!

I didn't question it and I bought a copy of The Artist's Way and I'm starting a wonderful journey into discovering my creativity.

So, when a book comes back into your life....BUY IT and more importantly.... READ IT!!!!

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