
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Get Your Library Card!!!

Yes, you read that right. Go get your library card.

I know. I know. You have an iPad or Nook or Kindle to read your books.

Did you know that today's library offers the ability to virtually check out books to your tablet?

Well now you do.

Why should you  check out books digitally?

  1. It's free.
  2. You can check out a book 24/7.
  3. You have a deadline. Remember, you are still checking out a book from a library.
So, make a trip to your library, fill out that application and check out a book from the comfort of your own home or car or train or plane or wherever.

Now, I have to return to reading Mindy Kaling's Is Everyone Else Hanging Out Without Me?  because I only have 13 days left on my 14-day checkout time with the Long Beach Public Library.

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